

We are a lackadaisy bunch here at Portable Chicken. We slack off without posting for extended periods of time. We never really make a point. Often people point out that we a usually just a bunch of people sitting around drinking.



All of this is true. But now you can subscribe to our inconsistent, inebriated rambling voices via Stitcher Radio.

If you are not familiar with the Stitcher broadcasting platform, here are the basics:

  1. It works on both Android and Apple iOS devices. (You may also listen to it from a PC)
  2. Everyone is doing it. (And so should you!)

Now you can get your podcasting fix while waiting for the next Shotgun Therapy session.

We are still available on iTunes for you apple folk out there, we are just expanding our reach.

For you. The “audience.”

Also, we are now on Twitter and Facebook.

Follow and like… blah blah social media… blah blah blah.



-The Portable Management


I was hoping to get the Xmas Special up before the actual Holiday, but truth be told, Alex had to fly out the next day after recording, and I’ve been at a location with no internet for a few days, so yeah… still not up yet.


The important thing is, we had a party, drank some booze and ate stuff.

I want to take a moment to thank you to all of the rotating cast we have had over the past year. Thank you to all of the people who have put up with our phone calls. Thanks to all of you who have been listening and putting up with our factual inaccuracies, indulgent tirades, rants and weird release schedules.

Also special thanks to  Steven, for providing an awesome venue to for our party.


In the mean time, here are assorted pictures:


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